On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 14:45:52 -0700, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "Susan Bradeen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > <html:text property="userField1" />
> >
> > <html:text property="userField2" />
> > <a href="javascript:window.open('
> >    <html:rewrite page="/promptUserField.do?parent=XXX"
> >             name="requestform"  property="udf2Map" />');">
> >
> > With the link parameter hard coded as "parent=XXX", this works
> > perfectly. However, I need to pass the current value of "userField1"
> > as the parent value to the promptUserField action. Basically, instead
> > of "parent=XXX", I need
> > "parent=document.requestform.userField1.value".
> I don't completely understand your example, but it looks like you are trying
> to feed the results of client-side JavaScript into a server-side JSP tag.
> You can't, because all the JSP executes on the server, then the HTML goes to
> the client, and then the JavaScript runs.
> In other words, at the time the JSP is rendered into HTML, the user has not
> yet seen the form, so there is nothing in userField1.  True?

Ok, right. 
Yes, true. So the page loads, and the user types something into the
userField1, and then clicks on the link next to userField2. Depending
on what the value is in userField1, you get different userField2
selections, which appears in the window opened by the javascript. So I
need to pass the value of userField1 at the moment the user clicks the
link for userField2. Problem is, I don't see how to get that value and
put it in to the url for link. Any clearer? Thanks for your comments.

> --
> Wendy Smoak
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