If the Converters are valid across the entire application, you
can register them using a ServletContextListener or a Struts Plugin.
ServletContextListeners are only available for containers supporting
the Servlet 2.3 spec or higher.


Robin Ericsson wrote:
Robert Taylor wrote:

The reason for the error is that the beanutils package cannot convert
the date string into a Date object. You can either populate the form
with the formatted date or register a Converter to handle the conversion appropriately. I haven't yet used Converter but this problem
has been answer many times over on the list.

This link may help:

Thanks, that fixed my problem.

A counter question to the link though, is there a good way to register Converters at startup? Now I just took an Action that I know gets displayed before so they truly are register but is there a "Struts way" of doing or maybe a Java way?

regards, Robin

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