To be honest, I've only heard this in the past few days.  I didn't know that, 
generically, writing files was "forbidden" by J2EE.  I knew it was something 
you generally want to avoid from a webapp for other reasons, but it's news to me too :)  
So no, I don't have any reference I can point you to.  I'd be interested in such a 
reference myself!

Ok i will inform you, when i found a reference.

Just want to be sure I follow... Do you mean a case where you have a class 
along these lines:

public class myData {
 public static HashMap data = new HashMap();

... and you might be reading and/or writing from this during the course of 
processing a reqeust AS WELL AS from a background thread?  If that's the 
question, the answer is you need to be very careful.  You can synchronize all 
access to the HashMap, but then you are introducing a bottleneck into the 
system at best, and a potential deadlock or any one of the other multitude of 
thread contention issues that confuse the hell out of most of us when they crop 

If your static information is read-only, you have no issue of course. I do this in that application I was talking about... I have a class almost identical to what you see above except that the HashMap is private and I have a getter/setter pair. It's never altered during the run of the application though, after startup anyway, so no problem. If it could be altered though, that would change matters.

Thats excectly what i want. An altered ressource during the run. So i have to find another solution for this case.

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