hihi all,

just want to add my 2 cents

i think it's simply a time issue.  if i had time, naturally i'd like to
evaluate all possible choices before deciding which framework to use. 
but given the amount of framework spin-offs we have these days, it's a
luxury not many ppl will have.

think about a new java web app developer starting out right now.  with
all the choices he/she faces, can you blame them for asking "which is
most popular?".  going with the flow is a natural response when
individuals don't have the time to thoroughly investigate all the
frameworks to come to their own decision.  and even if someone did take
the time to investigate all frameworks for their particular project, it
would not surprising that their opinion may change later on. 
evaluating frameworks thoroughly is not a trivial task, you need to
spend the time to really discover the strengths/weaknesses for any
project of reasonable size.

choice is good.  sure.  but i also think there's confusion when there
is so many ways to do the same thing.  this is the irony that will
always be there.  i think feeling 'overwhelmed' would be a safe
assumption for anyone starting out right now.


--- Alex Kravets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well I think 70% is a little bit too much 
>     Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts
> is 
> like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people that
> use 
> Struts becuase it's     popular go away, one should use own judgment;
> if 
> everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of a 
> bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)
> But at the end of the day most people tend to learn 
> languages/platforms/frameworks that are in demand (remember when HTML
> coders were payed $70K?). Most people will not spend time on learning
> something that they think/know is good but the rest of the world does
> not, because most people do what they do to support themselves 
> financially. The rest of does it because they are scientists.
> Vic wrote:
> > I know you asked Ted/Craig but Tapestry is a Apache project, like 
> > Struts, a good framework that is View centric, home page says: " 
> > Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as 
> > JavaServer Pages or Velocity"
> > Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts is
> > like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people
> that 
> > use Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own
> judgment; 
> > if everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of
> a 
> > bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)
> > Even if Struts loses 10% every year, that would make it say 5% or
> 3%, 
> > or.... 1% say in many years.
> > Tapestry, JSF, WebWorks, Symphony, etc.  are all fine comunities
> that 
> > have that kind of a market share, so it would not be bad at all.
> (and 
> > then all the questions about is this the most pouplar one would go
> away).
> >
> >
> > (It's a bit like sayind what method call you you call in your code?
> > I'ts up to you).
> >
> > Alex Kravets wrote:
> >
> >> Ted, Graig,
> >> 've read some posts/blogs where people who've used Struts and now
> use 
> >> Tapestry say that they will never go back to Struts again.
> >
> >
> > see above. If you have similar needs as them maybe you should do
> that.
> > In 2000, http://barracudamvc.org/Barracuda/index.html would say
> they 
> > are better and Turbine did; there was allways competition.
> >
> >> Is this what Struts Shale tries to change/disprove?
> >
> >
> > I hope not!!!
> >
> > I feel like I am the old Lakers, #1, and everyone hates you. And
> yes, 
> > I hate the Lakers. :-P
> >
> > .V
> >
> >

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