Hello, Paul,

I am not sure exactly what you are getting at here, although the topic
is clear.  I guess that one thing that makes reading this difficult is
that I have not investigated SiteMesh.  I do use Tiles definitions in
XML exclusively, and you seem to be talking about situations where
that is not done.  Can you expand on this a bit?

I am not working, obviously, on the Tiles development, so I won't be
able to answer your question in any event, but find the question
itself interesting.



On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 10:12:44 -0500, Benedict, Paul C
> I read a rumor that said Tiles will become its own top-level subproject in
> Jakarta. Is that true?
> Also, I think Tiles is great, but I find it very annoying to litter every
> JSP page with <tiles> tags to decorate my pages. While it makes sense to put
> the tile definitions in XML when I do Struts development, sometimes JSP
> needs to be accessed directly. Is there (or will be) any mechanism (like a
> filter) to can automatically decorate JSP (ala SiteMesh)?
> Thanks,
> Paul


The radiance of all the stars does not equal a sixteenth part of the
moon's radiance, likewise, good deeds giving us merit, all these do
not equal a sixteenth part of the merit of loving-kindness..

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