Chaikin, Yaakov Y. wrote:

Is there a way to tell Struts to actually redirect to the "input" instead of
forward to it? Basically, what I am trying to achieve here is this. When the
user first comes to the form, it's a regular JSP looking URL, i.e., directly
accessible to the user through .../blah.jsp... If the form doesn't validate,
Struts forwards the user to the same exact page with some error messages on
it, but the URL now reads something like .../

The problem with this is that redirecting creates a new request, thereby destroying any ActionForms in the request scope. Since storing all of your ActionForms in session scope could use significant memory resources, I don't believe there's a trivial solution to the problem that works exactly the way that you want it too.

You may be able to come up with something clever in a custom RequestProcessor. One possibility would be to override the processValidate() method such that it would create a writable copy of the input forward and append the request parameters to the request path prior to sending the redirect to the client.

-- Jeff

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