by adding 'validate="false"' to my action mapping the page now loads. Is there some undocumented incompatibility when using DispatchAction and ValidatorActionForm together?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel Watrous" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 1:10 PM
Subject: Trouble with DispatchAction and ValidatorActionForm

Hello All,

I keep getting a BLANK PAGE, with NO ERRORS. Any recommendations are appreciated...

I am interested in building an Action that allows me to add a database record and edit existing records. Since both actions deal with the same table I want to use the DispatchAction and keep the add/edit code in one class file. Accordingly I made:

public class StakeAction extends DispatchAction {

   /** Add a Party */
   public ActionForward add (ActionMapping mapping,
           ActionForm form,
           HttpServletRequest request,
           HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
       PartyForm stakeForm = (PartyForm) form;
       return mapping.findForward("success");

   /** Edit a Party */
   public ActionForward edit (ActionMapping mapping,
           ActionForm form,
           HttpServletRequest request,
           HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
       PartyForm stakeForm = (PartyForm) form;
       return mapping.findForward("success");

I do want to perform validation on each action and so I wrote my PartyForm:

public class PartyForm extends ValidatorActionForm {

   private String name;
   private String phone;
   private String streetLine1;


Now I should be ready to setup the configuration files:
first struts-config.xml

       <!-- Add a Stake -->
       <action path="/app/ManageStake"

           <forward name="failure" path="error"/>
           <forward name="success" path="/manage_stake.jsp"/>

and in validations.xml

       <form name="/app/ManageStake">
           <field property="name" depends="required">
               <arg key="prompt.stakeName"/>
           <field property="phone" depends="required">
               <arg key="prompt.phoneNumber"/>
           <field property="streetLine1" depends="required">
               <arg key="prompt.street1"/>

to call the pages I use

<html:link action="/app/ManageStake?function=add"><bean:message key="navLink.addStake"/></html:link>
which ends up looking like http://localhost:8080/MyApp/app/
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