You could always write a Java applet that inspects the machine in some way and launches the correct page in the browser. I assume that, in this case the machines don't get moved much, so a simple configuration file could be used to indicate the correct location.
Unfashionable as they are, applets do have their uses.


Duncan Mills

Ashish Kulkarni wrote:

thanx for the mail, here is my problem we have
machines installed on different floors of building,
and we have to design a web page which will give floor
plan and display it on that machine browser, so if the
machine is on 4th floor we want to display the plan of
fourth floor, if the machine had static ip address
then i would have a cross reference table and make it
work, but since there is dynamic IP address, i cannot
do this..
how can we handle this situation,

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is the MAC address, but only if you are
connected to the same
switch/hub. Otherwise, it will fail because the MAC
address is usually the
one of the default gateway.
The big big problem is that almost everything can be
spoofed. IP address
can be spoofed (well at least the response never
arrives...), MAC address
can be spoofed, even cookies can be spoofed. In
fact, before writing this
email, I thought about setting a cookie on the
client machine, but:
1) maybe the client sometimes deletes all of his
2) the cookie itself is insecure and can be spoofed.
In SSH (the Secure SHell, that permits secure remote
shells), both client
and server have criptography and electronic
signatures enabled, so that
the server is sure that the legitimate owner of the
private key is the one
who is communicating. But not in HTTP or at least in
normal HTTP.
The SET technology, usually used in money
transactions (but I have to say
I never saw that in action!), gives a certificate to
everyone: client,
seller and bank.
Anyway, these technologies identify THE PERSON and
not THE MACHINE because
you can simply copy certificates and key pairs on
another machine (though
usually, except of extreme cases of stupidity, the
one which does such a
thing is the legitimate owner).
Maybe you can rely on the header of HTTP request, to
see its OS,
machine,etc. But again it can be spoofed.
So I think the most viable way is to use SSL with a
login phase
(eventually with a cookie). To identify the agent,
you should analyze the
header of HTTP requests, hoping it is not spoofed,
but only for view
reasons (different page organizations, different
colours, etc.) because
relying on header of HTTP requests is pretty
I thought in this email that security is your main
problem. But if you
only want to display something different while a
user is on a different
machine, I think you should see Dimensions:
Hope it helps
Antonio Petrelli

Ashish Kulkarni wrote:

Is there any thing unique to identify the client
machine(desktop) other then IP address?
I have a situtation where in my intranet, i need to
identify the machine uniquely and do some


But the problem is that we dont haev static IP
address, but dynamic IP address.
I want to display a particular screen if the user


using a perticular computer or network node



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