Different applications have different requirements. Take a look at the 
exception handling in the workeffort application download 
http://www.logicden.com  to get an idea.

The files you may want to look at are: ApplicationExceptionHandler.java, files 
in package com.logicden.workeffort.service.exception, struts-config.xml, 
sql-error-codes.xml. Note that the application uses Spring and the SQL 
exceptions get translated to custom exceptions using the mappings in 
sql-error-codes.xml. This allows me to support multiple databases and keep with 
the layers of the application agnostic of the target database.

The actions generally don't have any try/catch blocks. I let struts handle the 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian McGovern" 
To: user@struts.apache.org 
Subject: Proper n tiered exception handling 
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 10:28:27 -0500 

> I'm looking to get a handle on best exception handling practices in 
> my app. Kinda beginner question i guess, sorry. 
> Im catching the various sql and naming exceptions in the data 
> classes and logging and throwing a custom exception called 
> ApplicationException which is blank and provided below. I've read 
> up but an still a little confused on how exactly to build this 
> exception class to extend the available struts exception classes 
> that would gracefully map to an error display jsp where i could 
> display the error to the user. Right now I just get the HTTP 
> status 500 strack trace on the screen. 
> Controller snippet that catches the data obj's thrown ApplicationException: 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> try { 
> zRepBeanBn = 
> MyData.getRepByID(StringUtils.convertToInt(request.getParameter("RepID"))); 
> }catch (ApplicationException zAppEx){ 
> throw zAppEx; 
> } 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> ApplicationException that needs work: How do I extend this? 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> public class ApplicationException extends Exception { 
> public ApplicationException(String message) { } 
> } 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Thanks 

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