
I've been using struts for a while now and more then once came over a 
inconvenience of the bean:message tag.

As documented, the jstl (which I prefer not to use) representation is 
something like
<fmt:message key="my.msg.key"> <fmt:param value="replacement text"/> 
I am particularly interested in the replacement text which - if I 
understand correctly -
is displayed if no key my.msg.key is found.

Till now I have not found something like this for struts.

Can you tell me if something like this exists and if yes, show me in an 
Note that I frequently use bean:message like this (example):
<bean:message bundle="<%=bundleName%>" key="<%=new String("
artistdetails.biography." + characteristicName%>"/>

Cheers, Lukas

P.S: Did you notice that the list archive 
returns "VelocityServlet: Error processing the template" when trying to 
browse it?

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