I inherited a rather large Struts application a couple of months ago. 
It was rather badly organized and almost no test code exists for
either the business code or Actions. One of the many problems I have
working with this code is that all the Action classes (200+) exist in
one flat package with no consistent naming structure.  The JSPs (200+)
also all sat in one flat folder with no consistent naming structure

Recently, I have begun the frustrating (but
worth-it-in-the-long-run-...I hope) process of splitting the
application into more manageable parts.  I created an extensive
use-case list and seperated them into about eight clusters.  I created
a folder for each cluster and put the JSPs into their respective
folder.  It took a lot of work to get that together and fix the
struts-config. All the links from one JSP to another work if you go
through an Action first, but if you go directly to the JSP, a lot of
links fail.

My structure is sort of like this:



What is the best solution?  Put a <base href=""> tag on every page, or
insert the context path before every link, image source, frame source.
 OR I have an idea of using JavaScript to just parse through all the
links, image sources, and prepend the context path.  Anyone who has
had trouble with relative links and links breaking when you move stuff
around, I'd be happy to heard your thoughts on this.

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