Hello everybody:

I was using tomcat 4.0.24 to develop an application with struts, I and
decided to migrate to tomcat 5.0.28 so as I could user EL natively from
JSP 2.0. I thought it would be a good idea to compile STRUTS 1.2.4 under
servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 from tomcat 5.0.28. Everything went wright
except from one class:


It is not implementing the following methods from interface
javax.servlet.ServletRequest corresponding to servlet-api.jar of tomcat
    public String getLocalName() {}
    public String getLocalAddr() {}
    public int getLocalPort() {}     
    public int getRemotePort() {}

To bypass the problem I created trivial methods, and then I could
complete the compilation process. Everything seams to work, but in order
to work with tomcat 5.0.x:

1) Is it a good idea to make this compilation o better to stuck with
   the official binary supplied struts.jar?

2) Is this situation going to be solved in a near feature? (I have seen
no changes in struts 1.2.6)

I have found the same problem compiling struts-faces, which seams to be
compiled with servlet and jsp apis from tomcat 5.0.25

Thanks in advance


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