the flush="false" was breaking it.   What the heck does that property
do, except make you wonder whether it should be true or false or not
there at all?
It works when it is not there at all.

Eric D. Lemle
Senior Programmer / Analyst
Intermountain Health Care
36 South State Street, Suite 1100
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 
United States of America (USA)
(801) 442-3688 -- e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/18/2005 3:08:17 PM >>>
Well, I implemented this entire concept without the parameters and
using the MappingDispatchAction too.
And , after all that I am ending up with the same dam problem.
It is only showing one of the <tiles:include when more than one should
show up.
This was the original problem when using <jsp:include

here is a snippet....

<logic:present name="basicInfoPDF">
<a name="Basic Info"></a>
<tiles:insert page="/" flush="false" />

<logic:present name="interestsPDF">
<a name="Interests"></a>
<tiles:insert page="/" flush="false" />

<logic:present name="referencesPDF">
<a name="References"></a>
<tiles:insert page="/" flush="false" />


Eric D. Lemle
Senior Programmer / Analyst
Intermountain Health Care
36 South State Street, Suite 1100
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 
United States of America (USA)
(801) 442-3688 -- e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>>> Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2/17/2005 3:46:56 PM >>>
At 10:30 PM +0000 2/17/05, Eric Lemle wrote:
><tiles:insert page="/"
>but nothing shows up.  Is this what you meant?
>So if I get the latest struts.. this might work?

You definitely can't pass parameters through a <tiles:insert> call; 
the end result of the insert tag is a call to 
requestDispatcher.include(...), which doesn't accept parameters.  If 
you need something like this, you should use the 
MappingDispatchAction, which allows you to use the Struts Config to 
specify a dispatch method instead of passing it as a request 


Joe Germuska            
"Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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