Does it mean I'm going made if Jack starts making sense? :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 2:14 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts or SpringFramework

Thanks, Vic.  I would suggest that they are not competitors for the
same job under normal circumstances.  IoC might be seen as for a
plumbing strategy (architecture), e.g. Action, RequestProcessor,
ActionForm, etc. as interfaces and CoR for implementation strategies
(application).  I personally would not use CoR where IoC was needed or
where AOP was needed.  I hope I am not being repetitive, but I think
that having RequestProcessor as an interface and using CoR in a
default implementation of that interface would be good.  Am I clear? 
Am I nuts?  ;-)

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 18:01:32 -0600, Vic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So the short answer is... I can't!
> You use a QuickSort and a BubleSort in 2 diferent scenarios, one is good
> for semi sorted data, the other for large sorts.
> I used IoC to organize and configure classes after the fact.
> With CoR.... I can re-use comands in a diferent context and still be
> able to configure them. Seemed to me like 2 was too much, one had to go.
> It's possible that IoC will be added in later versions of Struts, but I
> likely will chose to use only to use CoR.
> This is a begining of Vi vs Emacs that will last for years. Spring is
> more complicated than Struts 1.3... hmmm.
> .V
> Shey Rab Pawo wrote:
> >  What I
> >don't quite see is how they or CoR replace IoC.  IoC seems to me to
> >address a completely different and consistent set of solutions to a
> >completely different and consistent set of problems.  So, if you could
> >explain this, I would appreciate it.
> >
> >
> >
> --
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"Heaven has changed.  The Sky now goes all the way to our feet.

~Dakota Jack~

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