The problem is that I am trying to use a variable defined in a loop.  It
must be in page scope.  I got the following to work without using any
<tile:put/> or <tiles:importAttribute/> in any of my pages.  When I tired to
use <c:set scope="page"/> this approach failed.  Request and Session scope
worked just fine.  

  <c:forEach var="quote" items="${quoteForm.quoteValues}">
    <c:set var="quote" scope="request" value="${quote}"/> 
    <tiles:insert definition=".quote.list.item" flush="false"/>

Thank you for your time,

Jason Long
CEO and Chief Software Engineer
BS Physics, MS Chemical Engineering 

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Moseley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 2:13 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Tiles scope headache assistance still needed.

Jason Long wrote:
> I am still no closer to a solution to my problem with tiles.  I will
> the scenario again in hopes that someone will provide some insight into my
> problem.

i can't see anything with what you've provided. you should 
try getting this working with the smallest possible example. 
define a test tile which imports an attribute, and include 
it into a jsp putting the attribute.

the following works for me:

  <definition name="layout.standard"
     <put name="nav" value="/layout/Nav.jsp"/>


   <tiles:importAttribute name="nav"/>
   <tiles:insert attribute="nav" flush="false">
     <tiles:put name="id" beanName="id"/>


   <tiles:importAttribute name="id"/>
   id: ${id}

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