Can you elaborate?  
Do you mean a utility that would parse incoming form values and then
map them to my business objects?  :)

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 11:48:33 -0500, Erik Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I didn't mean "better than either one". I meant "better than building
> your own ActionForm by hand", and thus better than using Dyna form.
> Erik
> Erik Weber wrote:
> > Wouldn't a parser handler that could build an ActionForm skeleton
> > during a parse of a form JSP be better than either one?
> >
> > Erik
> >
> >
> > Hubert Rabago wrote:
> >
> >> I really would not give too much weight to the blog you linked to. If
> >> you've read the comments of the readers, you'd see that some of his
> >> arguments aren't really that strong, and some are even totally
> >> incorrect.
> >>
> >> Personally, I use DynaActionForm for each form that it can support.
> >> Once I have a form with needs that a DynaActionForm can't fulfill,
> >> that's when I decide to use ActionForms. I've had apps where I had
> >> more ActionForm subclasses than DynaActionForm, and this was due to
> >> requirements that DynaActionForms simply couldn't handle. Still, my
> >> first choice would be a DynaActionForm when possible. Pre 1.1, I've
> >> had an app where it was form bean after form bean after form bean. I
> >> got tired of it that for some forms, I just used plain HTML without
> >> Struts tags/form beans. I don't want to go back to that again.
> >>
> >> Maybe I shouldn't say anything since I haven't done any JSF yet, but
> >> solely from my impressions of what I've read so far: I think the
> >> concept of JSF's backing beans are different from Struts' ActionForms.
> >> I think JSF's overall approach is different from Struts, that the
> >> differences are greater than the similarities. Whether ActionForms or
> >> DynaActionForms is more similar to JSF's backing beans shouldn't
> >> affect your decision, since you're using Struts, not JSF. Applying
> >> the models of one framework to another when their approaches and
> >> principles, as well as their underlying support, are different, just
> >> sounds dangerous.
> >>
> >> As for compile time type information, well, Strings are Strings
> >> whether you use one or the other.
> >>

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