At 3:03 PM -0500 2/19/05, David G. Friedman wrote:

Your comment on testing CoR (Struts v1.3 or struts-chains) interests me.
How would that be done?  Do you suggest JUnit, TestNG, or something else? sI
looked a little at StrutsTestCase and something about it bothers me, but
what I can't exactly identify.

Well, I guess I would just use JUnit. I've looked briefly at StrutsTestCase but never felt like plugging through to get the full test environment set up.

The main point being that, if you know what your action is supposed to do, you can set up the simplest possible test environment to test it, rather than needing to set up an entire servlet container (or mock servlet container).


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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