Without knowing more details it is hard to respond.  I did find the
description of the relations between the DAO objects a bit "off" from
what I would have expected.  I would have expected something like:

CustomerDAO customerDAO = FactoryDAO.getCustomerDAO();

This assumes that the CustomerDAO is an interface and that
getCustomerDAO() in FactoryDAO is setup to get the default
implementation of the CustomerDAO.  If CustomerSqlMapDAO is such an
implementation, then I understand.  The naming is just a bit odd to
me.  (I don't use iBatis and that may be standard terminology there.)

With that small question in the back of my mind, this looks good.  I
would use the methods in the dispatch action to pass the detail work
off to helper objects in the model.

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 23:43:10 +0000, Tim Christopher
> Hi,
> I'm currently designing a web application and as time progresses I
> keep on less convinced that my approach is correct.
> Applying what I have to a shop example the classes I have are:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> * Note: I use the iBATIS framework.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Customer.java
> # Contains get + set methods using correct types, ie. name (String),
> age (int), etc.
> CustomerDAO.java
> # An interface for database operations for the Customer, i.e.
> insertCustomer, updateCustomer, etc.
> CustomerSqlMapDAO.java
> # Implements the CustomerDAO interface and effectively calls the db.
> CustomerService.java
> # Used to gain access to CustomerDAO and CustomerSqlMapDAO.
> CustomerDispatchAction.java (ex insert method - but will contain CRUD)
> # Gets instance of CustomerService; copies jsp form details into a
> DynaActionForm; copy form DynaActionForm to Customer.java object;
> calls insert method in CustomerService with Customer object as the
> parameter; return ActionForward.
> Struts-Config.xml
> # Contains DynaValidatorForm for storing customer details.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------
> I've tried looking through a few books and using Google for
> information that would explain if this is the correct approach, but
> all the tutorials I can find only show examples of projects that are
> very small.
> I'm now at the stage in my project where I think I still have time to
> change the design if I do it in the next couple of days - otherwise
> I'm stuck with the approach I'm using above.
> I think the closest I've come to finding anything is here:
> http://java.sun.com/blueprints/corej2eepatterns/Patterns/
> ...  Though to be honest I don't really understand it.
> Can someone take a look at my previous example and suggest any extra
> classes I should be using.  Also it would be useful if you could let
> me know how the existing files link up to being: DAOs, DTOs, Value
> Objects (same of DTO?!), and business classes.
> I think I'm a little confused! :os
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Tim Christopher
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