Heh, just ignore everything I wrote and listen to Joe.



Joe Germuska wrote:

<html:messages> is an iterator through messages, so you can leave the HTML out of the resources file:

For the example below, here's how to do it with html:messages instead:

<div class="error">
<html:messages id="msg">
<li><c:out value="${msg}" /></li>

Despite the name, html:messages defaults to looking for ActionMessages saved using "saveErrors", not "saveMessages", although you can use the "messages='true'" attribute to change that, and you can use other attributes to look up an arbitrary ActionMessages saved under any key; you can also specify a "property" attribute to filter the list to only messages associated with a certain property.

As usual, see the docs for full details, but I prefer html:messages to html:errors for this very reason.


At 5:06 PM -0700 2/27/05, Wendy Smoak wrote:

From: "Adam Jenkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Is there a simple way to iterate over all the validation errors. I
don't want to just do <html:errors..../> I want to actually for a
<ul><li>...</li></ul> of all the errors that occured when submitting the
Is this possible? Does anyone have an example I could use?

Do you _really_ want to iterate over the validation errors, or do you just want the output to be a bulleted list? If all you want is the <ul><li> tags around your errors, this works:

  errors.integer=<li>{0} must be an integer.</li>
  error.no.userId=<li>User ID does not exist</li>
  error.no.email=<li>No email address on file</li>

<div class="error"> <html-el:errors/> </div>
(The 'error' style just sets the font and turns it red, it's not required.)

I'm interested to know if there's a better way to do this-- putting markup in the .properties file doesn't seem "right" to me.

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