
we are using struts version 1.2.4 and we implemented our own
MessageResources and MessageResourceFactory. we needed to have a database
based system for managing message resources for different locales so that we
can change valued on the fly without the need to restart the app.
these implementation work quite well, but we found one issue when using
<bean:message key="whatever"/>:
it seems that the message with the key "whatever" gets cached somewhere. the
first call to this bean with key="whatever" results in a getMessage() call
to our implementation of MessageResources. the message gets delivered and
inserted into the JSP.
but all further calls to the message tag do NOT query
MessageResources.getMessage(), so we assume that the message value is cached

what we see from the source code of the message tag is that
TagUtils.message() is called. so far we haven't found anything that caches
in TagUtils. and there's no caching in the message tag….

anyone an idea where the caching takes place?
am i missing something fundamentally when i assume that it's possible (with
my own implementation of MessageResources) to change message resources in
struts dynamically during runtime?


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