On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 08:51:43 -0500, David G. Friedman
> Craig,
> Is there a tutorial or walk-through explaining Shale?  I didn't see that in
> the nightly download.  I have no clue about JSF and skimming through the
> Shale code made little sense to me (at this time).  I.E. Conceptually, I'm
> interested but programmatically, it's still over my head for some reason (I
> could just be in the wrong place whenever I go look at it).

The best overview is in the "Proposal Details" link pointed at by the Wiki:


(which is also the README.txt file in the source code repository).

The next thing I would do is look at the source of the "Use Cases"
example application, and compare the amount of stuff you as a
developer have to do to what would normally be done with Struts. 
You'll see that the JSP page has a basically similar amount of
complexity (there's a custom tag for each component), but the config
files and the Java code is a lot less complicated (no separate form
beans and actions, ViewController is in request scope so no issue with
using instance variables, and so on).

You can get nighty builds of this stuff at links pointed at by the
Wiki page above.

> Regards,
> David


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