> In a "normal" JDev setup all your projects are under the 
> $JDEV_HOME\jdev\mywork directory, with each application under a 
> different subdirectory.

I guess this isn't a normal installation then, there is no "mywork"
directory in the "jdev" directory.

My employer's policy is that all our workstations are locked-down to the
maximum extent possible, only a few people have admin privileges and can
install or uninstall software. So the admin person was here, trying to
reinstall JDeveloper 10g. He got tangled up trying to download the file from
Oracle (some problem with their server, I guess), but he renamed the
directory where my copy of JDEV lived, so he could keep it around as some
kind of a backup. Then he went away to figure something out back at his

So I changed the pointers in my shortcut to point to the new directory name,
and tried starting it one more time. I didn't think it would do anything
different. But it did.

It spouted messages about files created by the old installation, etc, then
it came up! All of my projects were showing in the left pane, everything was
there! I shut it down, renamed the directory back to the original name,
fixed the shortcut again, started again. The same sequence: messages,
successful startup. So I closed and reopened again. This time, no messages,
perfectly normal startup.

I'm guessing that the different directory name made it think that it was a
new installation, so it remade whatever control file it had been stumbling
over before. Whatever that may have been. Very, very strange.

Tim Slattery

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