I think it depends on your service locator design and API. The goals are ease of maintenance, reusability/decoupling and performance. Is the extra layer going to facilitate reuse of your service locator/EJBs? If so then it's probably worth it because it probably won't cost much in terms of maintenance and performance (depends on your infrastructure of course). Might you have other services that don't require the service locator API or a different service locator API? If that's the case, again, you'd probably want to have Struts talk to a "manager layer" component (or as Robert Taylor suggests -- an app-specific delegate right in front of the manager layer component), and let this component find and use services directly, etc. This shields Struts from disparate APIs.


leonnewsgroup wrote:

Hi there,

I am building a Struts based application with EJB model. I want to know the
strategy of find and call the EJBs in model layer. My model layer is
implemented by a stateless or stateful session bean that accesses to entity
beans. and there is a service locator object to find the session beans. My
questions are where to put the code to use the service loactor to find the
session beans? is it in the Struts Action classes or another delegate class?


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