Is there any way in struts-config.xml to specify an Action that doesn't require an ActionForm?
I have:

index.jsp -> link to controller Action -> decides which jsp to display -> start.jsp or stop.jsp

start.jsp and stop.jsp just have a form with a button that starts/stops a service. So I don't need an ActionForm

I tried:
<form-bean name="generic" type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm"/>

<action path="/Start" type="org.test.Actions.Start" name="generic">
  <forward name="started" path="/WEB-INF/jsp/controls/started.jsp" />

but after the "generic" form bean is used by a previous Action I get:
Cannot retrieve definition for form bean generic on action /Start

do I need a DynaActionForm for every Action that doesn't need an ActionForm?


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