Yep, and it's loaded ok as you can see it in the toString on the errors 

> And a tostring on org.apache.struts.action.ERROR =
> {mysite.globalerrors.database_config=[mysite.globalerrors.database_config[T
>h e
> site is not configured correctly: Required database configuration data was
> missing.]]}

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 12:16 am, Niall Pemberton wrote:
> Does the "mysite.globalerrors.database_config" key exist in your
> application resources?
> Niall
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Adam Jenkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>; <>
> Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 7:39 AM
> Subject: direction of effort request please?
> Hi Guys, I'm having some issues with <html:errors/> (I've attached my
> previous
> mail below) that I'm going to write a custom tag to get around.  I was
> thinking that if it's a bug, my effort is probably more productively used
> fixing the bug than rewriting the functionality, but first I need to know
> if it is a bug or not.  Can anyone help me out (feel free to email me
> directly for more information)?
> Cheers
> Adam
> ----previous email------------
> Hi Guys,
> I'm trying to come to terms with <html:errors/>'s working ok, I'm
> using the following for prefixes etc:
> #error formatting information
> errors.header=<font color="red"><center><p>Some errors occured validating
> the
> form. Please correct the following errors and try again.</p></center><ul>
> errors.footer=</ul></font>
> errors.prefix=<li>
> errors.suffix=</li>
> Which is working great when there are form validation errors, however, to
> get
> to the page that has the form, I use a global exception redirect as such:
> <exception
> key="mysite.globalerrors.database_config"
> path="/private/install/ConfigDB.jsp"
> scope="request"
> type="com.mysite.utils.DBMissingConfigDataException"/>
> And a tostring on org.apache.struts.action.ERROR =
> {mysite.globalerrors.database_config=[mysite.globalerrors.database_config[T
>h e
> site is not configured correctly: Required database configuration data was
> missing.]]}
> Now this is all well and good, except my <html:errors/> tag now prints out
> the
> header, and footer with one prefix and suffix in between (and no error
> message) when the page first loads (from the error redirect). When there is
> form validation errors everything works fine, however it's just that
> initial redirect where everything goes haywire.
> Does anyone know what's going on and/or how to fix?
> Cheers
> adam
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