This is a valid way to do it. To be more specific, your Action would ask some delegate for the domain object, then it would use that object as either a scoped (request, session, etc.) attribute or as a field for your form-bean (if you are indeed using your form-bean for "setup" actions as well as for POST-processing actions -- some do this, some don't, but it sounds like you are; when I do this, I use the "name" attribute in my ActionMapping (but with validate = false) so that Struts will go ahead and instantiate the form-bean for me, and pass it to the execute method).


Jonathan M Z wrote:

suppose I am using a form-bean to populate an html
form,  I need to retrieve the values of this form-bean
from persistent storage.  Do I do this from the Action
that eventually forwards to this jsp page?
Should I create the form-bean from persistent storage
in action.execute(), then forwards the view to the jsp
for example if the form-bean's name is aBean, in
action.execute I create the aBean, populate it, and
then set it as an attribute into the request(or
whatever scope I see fit)
is this a standard approach for reading data into
form-bean from the persistent data layer?


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