And I've been silently wishing you'd add it, too. :)
We've had discussions about this maybe twice before, and another time
I lit the flame, you responded, but I wasn't able to follow through
with the discussion.

Well, then, now you've gone and done it, Hubert... I've just committed the basic support for per-forward commands.

I think the next step would be to write a simple command which looks something like this:

public class FormPrepCommand implements Command {
private String formName; // property
private String formScope; // property

public boolean execute(Context context) {

  if (this.formName != null) {
    ActionContext actionCtx = (ActionContext) context;
    ActionForm form = lookupForm(formName,formScope, actionCtx);
    prepareForm(actionCtx, form);
    return false;

protected ActionForm lookupForm(String formName, String formScope, ActionContext ctx) {
// standard behavior for looking up a form and making sure its in the right request/session scope
// classes would rarely override this; maybe it would be private.

protected abstract void prepareForm(ActionContext ctx, ActionForm form);


Then one could use one or more of these in a per-forward chain of renders. Of course other commands could do non-form oriented setup.

Related to what I just checked in, I still like a model where rather than configuring command and catalog on each ForwardConfig, a lookup is done based on the "path" value of the ForwardConfig. No reason not to have both, of course, but I just think my style would be to have a catalog named "page-prep" and a different command in process-view which worked this way.


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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