<shrug />

What I based it on was a project where we had 3 apps being developed and
I got injected at the user acceptance testing phase. 2 used Spring and
one did not. The client chose to not use EJB Facades, but regular POJO
Facades. In the 2 that used spring it took me approximately 20 minutes
to change both to use POJO Facades (by the way I will admit that we had
already written the POJO's so in some cases there may be NO advantage to
this methodology) in the third app it took  me approximately a day to
hunt down all the places where the EJB lookup/create was done. Its also
not the first time that a simple change has the old trickle down effect
for me. 

I do agree that to some extent there is a trend towards going XML crazy
in the world. As for writing java classes in it... isn't there some
framework out there that basically does this now? I seem to recall
something but it was not something that really saved me any time and the
learning curve was not worth it so I don't remember what it was.

Of course you know something has to have gone terribly wrong to have to
inject a senior architect into the process at user acceptance testing
anyway so maybe the horror story is not totally "realistic".  

I can also empathize with your statement about finding out where things
are created. It took me a while to figure where the heck something was
done when I first got put on the project. You travel up the class
hierarchy and suddenly find that the dang thing was instantiated at
deployment by the spring framework. 

In small apps it is probably NOT a timesaver, but in larger apps like we
had it was ultimately. 

(Keeping the silly thread going and going and going - just call me ever

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