On 10 Mar 2005, at 07:59, Larry Meadors wrote:
Disclosure: I am an iBATIS developer, so I'd like to offer another
opinion on the comparison.


I might add an appendix to my documentation with this comparison. When I do, I'll give you another opportunity to complain. :)

- iBATIS does database pooling for you; Axamol does not. I prefer to use
the servlet container's built-in pooling.

What about testing your DAOs? The dependency on the servlet container can become problematic.

The client code is expected to pass in a java.sql.Connection or javax.sql.DataSource, so there's no direct dependency.

- iBATIS does caching; Axamol does not. I haven't encountered the
situation in which I'd want quite the caching they have.

I work with iBATIS on a project where I regularly do queries over multi-gigabyte tables. Caching is darn handy in those situations. :-)

I'm sure it is there. But I don't need it yet, and no one's complained to me that they do, either. I deliberately avoid writing features before they're needed.

- iBATIS has a lot of options to use JavaBeans, which I don't find
useful. I just take parameters in a java.util.Map and return a
java.sql.ResultSet directly. (I'm a DynaActionForm kind of guy, so using
a form bean form this would be a little out of place.)

OK, now I have to just plain disagree with you. ;-)

Using Maps and ResultSet in your application as the domain model is
just plain bad design.

It is difficult to test and too loosely coupled.

I used to be of this school of thought also. But, well, then I encountered Python. ;) I'd like to do things statically, but not at the expense of writing lots of code. I particularly hate code initially generated by tools that I have to manually maintain afterward.

And besides, everything else in a servlet container takes this approach - context, session, request, and page scope variables are all essentially map entries.

- Axamol includes XSLT and standardized elements for embedding
documentation in your libraries and producing HTML for them.

Cool! I have wondered if including that in iBATIS would be used. Do your users use that much?

What users? ;) Axamol SQL Library doesn't have the community iBATIS does. I use it, a friend uses it, and I've gotten a fair number of downloads. But my projects can be weird that way...even with NetGrowler, which _must_ be popular (lots of downloads, I see occasional mentions of it on forums), I only hear from users when they've got a problem or feature request. So I don't know how many users I have, much less exactly what parts of it they use.

But my friend and I find it useful.

A few other things I did not see in Axamol:
 - row handlers

I'm not sure what you mean by this:

- The things for grabbing a a single int value and such when you do count(*), rather than dealing with the whole ResultSet? I've thought about adding those, but for now Axamol SQL Library is dirt-simple: it just always gives you the ResultSet.

- The things for linking to other queries on a per-row basis? I try to avoid those; I like my pages to make a constant number of queries.

 - consistent dynamic sql (from what I see, there are different ways
for altering the order and the where clauses..are there others?)

There's also the <s:bindlist/>, which is similar to your iterator.

The binding looks more awkward to me:
  iBATIS - select * from someTable where key = #id#
  axamol - select * from someTable where key = <s:bind param="id"/>

It is. I did it this way initially to avoid having to do any parsing; just for ease of implementation. I might end up introducing a syntax like that.

I like how you handle multiple databases. Simple. Good job on that.


Cool project Scott, I hope you are not offended if we take some of
your ideas for iBATIS. ;-)

I'd be flattered.


Regards, Scott

Scott Lamb <http://www.slamb.org/>

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