
I haven't used DynaActionForms in ages but these 2 issues jump out at me:

1. You might still need to add 'dynamic="true"' to your form-bean after the
name or type attributes.  I think this depends on the version of Struts.
I'm pretty sure this is require for Struts v1.1 but shouldn't for Struts
v1.2 or higher.  What version are you using?  See the difference between
struts-config_1_1.dtd and struts-config_1_2.dtd for an example of how it
supposedly no longer needs dynamic="true" when you specify a Dyna class as
the form-bean type.

2. I have NEVER (not yet anyway) seen a form-property with an empty body.
I've always seen them as self-closing tags.

For example, your form was listed as:

<form-bean name="emptyForm"
        <form-property name="junk" type="java.lang.String"></form-property>

I recommend trying it thusly: (THUSLY?!?!?!?)

<form-bean name="emptyForm" dynamic="true"
        <form-property name="junk" type="java.lang.String"/>


-----Original Message Snippet -----
> SRVE0068E: Could not invoke the service() method on
> servlet action.
> Exception thrown : java.lang.NullPointerException at
> org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.
> createActionForm(RequestUtils.java:852) at .....

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