
I have zero experience with OODBMS, so I can't comment on that.

I guess my question was geared more towards RDBMS.


Leon Rosenberg wrote:
For those applications which are both OLAP and OLTP, then why not use both types of solutions? For example, let's say I have a master-detail type report which does a lot of number crunching and is very complex which returns rows where each row represents a record detail. Clicking on a row is a simple query returning the contents of that row to a detail page. For the report query, I may use a stored procedure or an optimized query. When I click on a row, I leverage my ORM solution retrieving the details with a primary key.

It seems like this would solve both problems:

1. Use ORM to handle the simple CRUD operations. Reduce the amount of SQL which has to be hand written and maintained.

2. Use straight JDBC to handle complex/optimized data retrievals.

Why not use OODBMS for those cases? You have JDO for simple CRUD operations, which is better, easier and faster than any ORM, and have OQL to handle compex data retrievals.


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