I have extended the RequestProcessor and I am looking for a way to find out 
where the page is going to. The reason for this is as follows. I am giving each 
user a UserObject when they hit the site. Later on, after they log in, I set 
some flags to know they are valid inside the application. I am just using a 
boolean "isLoggedIn". Anyway I need a way to find out which Action they are 
heading to and put some logic in my extended RequestProcessor class, that could 
check which Action and send them to the login, if an action they want to use is 
past the login page. 
If I know the action and they are just logging in, I will not show them a 
"session expired" flag. But if they are heading for an inside page (a page they 
need to be logged in for), and the object says "not logged in" then of course, 
I want to take them to the front door and show a msg stating "session expired.".
I have gone through the RequestProcessor docs, but do not see anyway to get the 
Any ideas.

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