No problem, Nic.  Just trying to see what the problem is.  Glad I
asked.  I would not have know this was it.  So, your client on a
browser is seeing a list of users, chooses a user, then has that users
attributes displayed and can update them.  Right?  If so, this is

You can use one JSP page or two for this.  Either way it does not
matter.  I would use one, but you look like you would use two.  Let's
do that:  Let's also use two Actions -- GetUserAction and
UpldateUserAction, although I would only use one and would use
DispatchAction in some way.  But, only use one ActionForm -- UserForm
-- which will have a field for identifying the user, e.g. id, and
fields for the values your user has, e.g. name, soc_sec_no, etc. 
Select a user from the first JSP page and call GetUserAction.  If
successful, the GetUserAction will process the action by getting the
User and populating the user's fields in the UserForm, and returning
an ActionForward to the second page, where the form values will be
displayed.  It is that simple.

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 11:53:12 -0800, Nic Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I apologize as I seem to have hijacked this thread in a direction I
> didn't intend. Jack, I didn't mean for you to pick through my code, it
> was just in response to Joe helping me.
> To answer your question Dakota Jack, in an overall view what you have
> said is correct:
>  From a page of Users, I want to click on one to open a JSP page that I
> can 'Edit' the User attributes, and then have that individual
> attribute data 'Updated'. It really is very simple.
> Reading the replies here and the Struts FAQ, everyone says "Create two
> actions, one to pre-populate the data, and the other to save that data"
> - So, the first action populates the data in the Execute() function,
> returns an ActionForward to the 'Edit' JSP. But in order for html:form
> to display that populated data, I have to refer to the first Action, not
> the second, barring me from submitting this data to the second page.
> I've got to have this wrong! I've re-read these responses and pored
> through my Struts book but I'm obviously missing something
> Thanks everyone for your input, I only post to the list when I'm truly
> stumped.
> - Nic.
> Dakota Jack wrote:
> >I am just going to hold out, Nic, until you merely say what you want
> >the client to do without giving any code.  If you want to know what to
> >do from me, just tell me what you want the client to do.  As I said,
> >this is simple stuff, but dealing with your code just complicates it.
> >
> >If you don't just want to define what the client wants to see and do,
> >that is okay.  That is your choice.  But I am not digging through what
> >you are doing to answer a simple question.
> >
> >Maybe I can do it for you and you can just confirm:
> >
> >You want to have a page with values in a form call an action to "edit"
> >using the values and then to return to some page that will have these
> >values displayed and the page will be used by the client to "update"
> >the data?  Is that right?  This does not make sense to me but seems to
> >be what you want the client to do.  Please just state what you want
> >the client to do and only that, okay?  You are really over
> >complicating everything, I think.
> >
> >Jack
> >
> >
> >
> >

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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