On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 13:06:38 -0500, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I still see both. The larger team, the more likely it is that people
> start to specialized. But it is not unusual to see teams where
> everyone can do everything, from code HTML to code Java to code SQL.
> -Ted.

Ted's experience mirrors what I see in Struts-based apps in general,
but with *lots* of variation in how big the team is before roles
become specialized.  To some degree, that in turn depends on whether
the project team is itself part of a larger organization that has
skill specialists available that can work part time on multiple
projects, versus a relatively smaller organization that asks their
developers to wear multiple hats.

The nice thing about a framework like Struts is that it can accomodate
any of these working styles fairly gracefully.


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