Hi everyone,

Can someone please explain how to build relative URLs that are higher in
the file hierarchy than the module. For example


I'm building this application inside an existing application that does
not use Struts. I can not change the location of images or stylesheet
and I can not duplicate them. I get the HTMLs from the graphic designer
with the stylesheets and images as relative URLs, e.g.

I thought that for the images, I can solve it with the html:img tag, but
then I discovered that I have some td tags with an image background.

I thought about URL re-writing, and then I found out I only have two
1- Specify a forward for every image which is time consuming and
2- Use the page attribute, which means that the module has to be on the
same level as the images, because the documentation states that the page
attribute has to start with a "/".

In my application, I go to the JSP directly and then through an action.
Since they're both on different levels, when I go through the action,
the images disappear. I thought about going to the JSP through an action
all the time, but I then I thought I could still face a problem if I
ever decide to switch to multiple modules.

For example, in the above setup, I would use the page attribute and
write page=3D"/images/some-image.gif". But then if I ever decide to use
multiple modules and moved my action to /some-module/some-action.do I
will not be able to change the page attribute because I can NOT say (as
far as I understand) page=3D"../images/some-image.gif".

Can someone please help me with this problem.


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