Hello, I am trying to do something pretty simple I would think. I am also trying to use html:select tags, logic, etc. to keep the project uniform. I have a jsp page that I need to show a set of users in a select list. So I have an action that creates a bean in memory and does not validate. <action path="/displaySelect" type="foo.WorkAsUser" scope="request" name="usersbean" validate="false" input="/jsp/admin/mainAdmin.jsp"> <forward name="Success" path="/jsp/admin/testSelect.jsp" /> <!-- test above only --> </action> In the foo.WorkAsUser Class, I am doing a query and grabbing the data into a Vector: Then I cast the form (in this action) class back to the usersbean (type). eg: com.UsersBean usersbean = (UsersBean)form; Then I am setting the bean with the Vector. usersbean.setSelectVector(vector); So at this point, I believe to have a good vector of String names options, in the usersBean. Now in the JSP page how do I incorporate this bean into something like this: <html:select property="multipleSelect" size="10" multiple="true"> <html:options name="multipleValues" labelName="multipleValues" /> </html:select>
I cannot find the answer. I do have a form tag in this jsp page that calls once again for this usersbean: So I know I own the bean in the request scope, but how do put all this data into a select list? Any ideas Thanks, Scott