> I'm trying to use Strut indexed tag but keep getting
> java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: -999999999.  It 
> displays with correct values but when the form is submitted, 
> I got the error.  Below is a snip of my code.  Do you know 
> what's wrong with it?

When you submit your form, the Struts controller finds what form bean is
associated with it and constructs an instance of that form. It then starts
assigning values to it, using the accessor methods. For indexed properties,
it uses an accessor to retrieve a collection of objects, then gets the
object indicated by the index from the collection, then uses an accessor
method in that object to assign a value.

And there's your problem. If your form bean's constructor doesn't create a
collection with enough items in it, the struts controller will try to access
a non-existent member of the collection at this point. 

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