I view the unspecified() method as the equivalent to 'index.jsp'. I deliberately put an index.jsp (or html) in the directory to provide the correct output, as opposed to leaving it unhandled - I see Struts and unspecified() as a mirror of this.

- Nic.

Rick Reumann wrote:

nitin dubey wrote the following on 3/28/2005 4:43 AM:

The problem I am facing is my unspecified() is always
giving me a null ActionForm object.

As others have mentioned, I'm not fan of providing an unspecified() dispatch method. I like to always make sure I provide the exact dispatch parameter as part of the front end, even if in a hidden form field.

Concerning the null ActionForm object, you might have to provide more details. So first off, where are you seeing it as null? Are you seeing it as null in the Action dispatch method itself?

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