Frank's suggestion might work, although note that it would result in the discarding of all request parameters, which may not be what you want.

If you have complex session initialization logic in an Action and you want to use it in the Filter, I'd suggest factoring it out into a utility class. Alternatively, don't try to use the filter to do this: the main reason to use a filter is to apply common logic upon every request (or at least many requests); if you have all this in an Action now, that suggests you only use it once.

You could probably also somehow use the Filter to set a request attribute, and then subclass the RequestProcessor to recognize that request attribute as an instruction to invoke your session-prep action -- but that seems way more complicated than you really need.


At 12:45 PM -0500 3/29/05, Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

That's what I do.  You do get a reference to request, so I would assume
you could get a dispatcher off it and do what you always do.  I've never
had a need to try it though.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Tue, March 29, 2005 12:40 pm, Denis Avdic said:
 Hello all,

 Although I've been using Struts for small projects for a while now, I
 haven't really used filters.  Now I am incorporating some
 functionality from another project into mine, and the other project
 used plain old servlets and filters.

 My question is this:

 In filter's doFilter method, is there a way to forward to a Struts
 action somehow?  I need to populate the session and I have all this
 stuff already written, I just need to do a forward to the action
 somehow.  How could I do this without request.getRequestDispatcher()
 calls?  Or can I do it at all?

I haven't wrote pure servlet in a looooong long while and I forgot a lot of things so please excuse me if my question is dumb.



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