
My application consists of two major component one is speech application and
other is web application.
The speech application send some data to web application, web app store that
data in database.

The speech application is developed using Nuance VBuilder and it is deployed
in Nuance v-server.
The web application is deployed in tomcat.

Speech application invoked a jsp (as speech application can not using the
action mapping of Strut-config.xml). In the body load method of jsp/html it
calls document.forms[0].submit. In the action property of form we have
specified the action mapping.

When html is loaded it does invoke the Strut framework, The Strut frame work
create instance of our Form object. But it
does not create instance of my Action object and does not calls execute

what is wrong, can anybody help me ? Why action object is not created by
Strut? How to debug this?

Thanks in advance


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