Spring is a large project with several components. The Spring Core
works just fine with Struts. You can use it to instantiate your
business objects from Struts Actions.

Aside from Spring Core, the Spring project also includes a Spring MVC
component. Spring MVC does overlap with Struts. Spring MVC is a fine
framework. Use whichever one works best for you.

Yes, Struts + Spring + hibernate (or iBATIS) is an excellent approach. 


On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 13:22:00 +0200, Rodolfo García Esteban/CYII
> Hi,
> I have been reading about frameworks and I have seen something about
> Spring, and I have a lot of doubts. Spring is complementary or is then
> same place?. In some places said that Spring is complementary thats
> threats about the middle tier, but I have seen some examples and Spring
> replaces the action servlet and has his own Controller. What do you think
> Spring is compatible with Struts?, is better Struts than Spring? is better
> Spring. Do you think the solution Struts + Spring + hibernate could be a
> good approach?
> Best Regards
> ________________________
> Rodolfo

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