Scott Purcell wrote:

That is what I said. Its got to work, or why have it. Anyway, the error, (past 
my tail command by now) was the tag could not find a getter for the 
coversCheckbox element. And of course it can't, there is none. There needs to 
be a way to let the html: element know that this is a DynaValidationForm and 
now a normal bean. At least I would think so.

And yes, I double checked all my syntax before I posted. Even to double check myself, I just created a simple CheckboxBean, put my value from the Dyna into there, and called the new one in the JSP page, and that works.

So that tells me I am either missing a step, or it does not work that way.

I have DynaValidatorActionForms with checkboxes all over the place; there is zero reason why it shouldn't work if you have everything configured properly.

Did you post your struts-config, JSP, Action class code, and stack trace? I'm not totally able to keep up with the list due to volume, so I probably missed it. Without it we really can't help much.

Really, this stuff is all pretty much covered in the on-line literature and books, 'cuz that's how I figured it all out, and asked here for a few more esoteric questions. What materials are you using for reference (besides the mailing list)?

For generic bean utilities you will probably want to look at the Commons BeanUtils stuff; it will handle the majority of your data transfer needs going from DTOs to forms of various natures.

Oh, I see in your original post that you have most of the necessary stuff; what about the action-mapping? Here's a chunk (expurgated; the one without the gannet) I use that works just fine:

Bean Definition
<form-bean name="anntypebean" type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorActionForm">
<form-property name="clientAnnouncementP" type="java.lang.Boolean"/>

<action path="/EventAnnouncementType"
<set-property property="secure" value="false"/>
<forward name="next" path="/goto/EventAnnouncementTypes" redirect="true"/>

Action code
// [Ed. Note] I do this rather than BeanUtils.copyProperties because it's a Boolean on the page
// but an integer in the database. I've casted from ActionForm to DynaActionForm previously.
// And yes, I am a Lisp programmer. Java gives me hives and makes me type too much:
// "When Java is your hammer, everything starts to look like a thumb." -- Steve Haflich w/o permission
Boolean clientAnnouncementP = (Boolean) form_.get("clientAnnouncementP");

JSP code
<%@ taglib prefix="html"  uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-html.tld" %>
<html:form action="/EventAnnouncementType" method="post" styleClass="form">
     <html:checkbox property="clientAnnouncementP" styleClass="formfield"/>


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