I've got a DynaActionForm with an indexed property which I want to set the
dimensions for and possibly initialize (in a controller clas) before it is
actually loaded with the request values. Given that I want to put the form
into a Tiles tile, what's the best method of doing this?

I've already found this link:
http://www.developer.com/java/ejb/article.php/2233591, which mentions a
method (in the end of the article) that seems to me like it will work
without Tiles. The method requires the form to be instantiated into session
scope however, which is not very convenient for my tiles, as this means I
can not put 2 of the tiles in one page any more. I've been experimenting
with controllerClass and controllerUrl in the definition already, but can't
find the right combination to get it to work. Anyone have a suggestion?

Thanks a lot,


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