Try writing out  <c:out value="${emply}"/>

On Apr 7, 2005 11:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi,
> I am anxiously awaiting for the thread between Stéphane, Rick and Niall to
> continue.
> I am experimenting with trying to do the same thing as Stéphane.
> In the mean time I am having one of those mornings where nothing seems to
> be going my way.
> I am trying to use JSTL for the first time and the expression does not
> seem to get evaluated.
> Ex.:
> <bean:define id="emply" name="HRnlnVO" property="emplyVO" />
> <bean:write name="emply" property="firstName" />
> <c:out value="${emply.firstName}"/>
> The bean:write line works like a charm.
> The c:out line just writes out the expression: ${emply.firstName}
> Why?
> TIA,
> Glenn

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