
  I think now i'll have to go into this thread :)
  I recommend looking at list's archive. We already had this discussion at 
least 2 or 3 times
  But, if you are a lazy bastard like me, i'll point a summary of our past 
discussions adding my

  - Good: active project, large community, EJB 3, good docs
  - Bad: not recommended for legacy databases (almost 99% of all situations), 
slow for very large
amounts of transactions, huge memory load.

  But, as i stated above, if you have a legacy database (a database created 
before your app)
Hibernate makes your life even harder.
  In such situations, i usually stick to iBatis SQL Maps. It is simple, well 
documented, has a
growing community and i know some of the guys that develop it :)
  Oh, and it is now under Apache umbrella, for those that think this is a plus.

  So, assess your requirements, get feedback about both and choose one :)

  Hope this was useful.

 Daniel Silva.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
> Wake up!! Use Hibernate. It will give you some initial gra hairs, but
> thereafter you will never look back.
> Hermod
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Purcell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 2:56 PM
> To: user@struts.apache.org
> Subject: Need Database Connectivity Advice
> I am at a crossroads of information today, and could use some advice.
> Prior to using the Struts framework, I had a roll-your-own database
> pooling solution that of course required threads and Vectors of
> connections, etc. Upon the start of another new project, I found myself
> Friday trying to figure out how to use the DBCP classes inside my Tomcat
> server. As I do not understand the JNDI, etc. I had some trouble Friday
> and over the weekend, getting all configured. And when I did get it work
> work by their simple example, I ended up connecting in a JSP page, and
> that is not what I want.
> So reflecting to my book OReilly/Struts, I noticed that they use a
> database persistance product. Something called ObjectRelationalBridge,
> and use it with some design patterns that I am having trouble following.
> I would like to possbily go this route, but I am confused at the Factory
> references, etc. I don't know why I am having trouble understanding
> this, but I am.
> I had the weekend to try and get my bearings on how to start this new
> web-app, and build it so I can war up and host at an ISP. I figured each
> user on this list probably already connects, and has some great ideas to
> throw my way.
> I could really use some advice, on selecting the correct, both easy to
> use, and reusable in the future solution for my connectivity dilemma.
> The reason I found DBCP confusing, is that the directions for the Tomcat
> 5.5 show a JSP page, using JSTL commands, and I really do not want to
> connect in JSP pages.
> I would really appreciate any input, advice, links, how to advice, etc.
> Sincerely
> Scott K Purcell
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