First of all, forget about MySQL, since they don't have a long history in
stored procedure (its support is still release-candidate state).
Why don't you try Firebird? It's easy, it has a long history (since it was
born from Borland's Interbase), it supports views, stored procedures and
so on. Oh, and it has a great JDBC driver and it is multi-platform. Not to
mention a great community.
Antonio Petrelli

Ashish Kulkarni wrote:

>I am working on a intranet project, we plan to use a
>open source database, there wont be a lot of load on
>it, may be a 500-700 records written or deleted per
>I would like to have a database which has features
>like views, stored procedures, foreign key constraint
>Which would you guys prefer, and also which is a real
>open source where i dont have to worry about license.
>I have a list like
>mysql, postgre sql, Ingres by CA, Derby from apache ,

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