Hi again,

I posted this yesterday but got no reply, so here it is again - can anyone 


Alan Mullane
04/12/2005 10:30 AM

        To:     user@struts.apache.org
        Subject:        ActionForward not working in Struts/Filters/XSLT 


I am working on the development a Struts application that reads all user 
requests into a number of Struts Actions
and uses XSLT to output the response of all pages as HTML. Also, all 
requests pass through one or more Servlet
Filters before entering the Actions, to handle security, logging, etc.
The application only uses actions for processing input requests and 
doesn't use any additional web pages
such as static JSPs or html pages. The output presentation data is 
dynamically generated by java objects, then 
written by the Action to the HttpServletResponse and then transformed into 
HTML using an XSLT transformer.
The application doesn't use ActionForward but instead the response is 
always written to the HttpServletResponse
and a null ActionForward is returned by the calling action. 

In some parts of the application I need to re-route the request to another 
page (for example, to a logout page if the 
user session expires). I have tried to use the ActionForward for this 
case, by calling 'mapping.findForward("logout") 
but it doesn't work and I always get a blank page - I defined action 
forwards in the action mappings in the struts-config.xml 
file but it seems that Struts doesn't allow forwarding to other actions in 
this type of application (Struts/Filters to XSLT). 

For now I am using HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect("logout.do") to get 
around this problem, but it is messy as I need
to catch IOException and also lose any parameters within the request - I 
would prefer to use the Struts framework for this 
as it is much cleaner and parameters already in the request can be reused.

Any ideas on how to fix this?


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