I think that with RT the attribute is all expression or no expression.
so try :

<html:select name="historyItems" 
  property="scheduleTypeId" indexed="true" 
  onchange="<% = "addTableRow('historyTable', 's" + 
pageContext.getAttribute("status")).getIndex() + "')" %>">

I'm not sure if i parsed your intention correctly, but the idea is that
the attribute should be all expression. a simpler example:

wrong -> <sometag value="this is a <%= beanName.getValue() %>">
right -> <sometag value="<%= "this is a " + beanName.getValue() %>">


On Thu, 2005-04-14 at 12:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Okay... 
> I tried the following:
> <html:select name="historyItems" property="scheduleTypeId" indexed="true" 
> styleClass="dropdowns2"
>   onchange="addTableRow('historyTable',
>   's<%=((javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagStatus) 
> pageContext.getAttribute("status")).getIndex()%>')">
>    <html:optionsCollection name="dynaCWWHistoryForm" property=
> "scheduleTypes" label="label" value="value"/>
> </html:select>
> and I get this error:
> Error 500: /WEB-INF/personal/timeAndAttendance/cWWHistory.jsp(215,129) 
> Attribute status has no value 
> I'd really like to get this working, I will then spend some time looking 
> into upgrading to a later version of Struts ti use the EL tags.
> This upgrade will give me more work than I had anticipated... but in the 
> end it is GOOD extra work ! :>
> I think Dave's got it.  Use the struts-el tags if you want to have EL 
> expressions instead of RT expressions (<%= ... %>)
> If you want/have to stick with RT, then you'd need this instead of 
> ${status.index}
> <%= ((javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagStatus) 
> pageContext.getAttribute("status")).getIndex() %>
> K.C.

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