For articles, blogs, libraries, etc, related to this technology, take
a look at

Our own Frank wrote an article about using it on

He also proposed integrating the technology with the Struts taglibs:


On 4/18/05, Rodolfo García Esteban/CYII <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Where do we find information about this marvellous stuff?
> ________________________
> Rodolfo ______
> Dakota Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 18/04/2005 15:02
> Por favor, responda a "Struts Users Mailing List"
>         Para:   Struts Users Mailing List <>
>         cc:     (cco: Rodolfo García Esteban/CYII)
>         Asunto: AJAX: Whoa, Nellie!
> I have been taking another look at the AJAX stuff that Frank Zammetti
> has provided.  This stuff is revolutionary.  Someone ought to be
> taking a close look at integrating such solutions, so far as it makes
> sense, into Struts.  This is not a passing fancy, in my estimation.
> This is a real solution to a persistent problem.  Further, this moves
> the solution to where the problem exists, on the client.  I, for one,
> am getting excited.  I am not saying to be precipitous, so the usual
> mundane warnings can be kept aside.  But, this is not the usual thing.
>  This is a fundamental shift in architecture that makes clear sense.
> Jack
> --
> "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
> ~Dakota Jack~
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