
reading from past postings this subject has been much talked about.
but not finding a solution to my liking i post this question.

i want a user a see a set of checkboxes some selected some not. the
user is allowed to check uncheck anyone of them.

upon form submission, i want the value of the checkbox which can be
any value of type int to be submitted as an array to form. ie the
value can be (1,2,3 ... 1000,1001,....100000...). also, is it possible
to check a checkbox for any of these vales?

my form : DynaActinForm has fields

id:integer // not given here

ok: now am trouble in jsp ;(

also, for form prepopulation, is it possible to set the selected,all
array types with

form.set("propname", index, ValueObject);

does the form take care of the "increasing index" ??


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